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July 9, 2018

TAR Unplugged: Live Q&A with the Experts - Wednesday, July 11

Join Catalyst for a webinar Q&A on technology assisted review (TAR) and continuous active learning (CAL) with E-Discovery experts Tom Gricks and Andrew Bye. 

Tom is a managing director at Catalyst and a licensed attorney in Pennsylvania. Andrew is the director of machine learning and analytics at Catalyst, and a search and information retrieval expert. Common questions such as “What are the current legal rulings affecting TAR?” and “How do you know when to defensibly end a review?” will be addressed. The webinar will take place on July 11, 2018 at 1 PM. For more information, click here: https://catalystsecure.com/resources/events-and-webinars/events/1541-tar-unplugged